
Please read the letter attached below, and complete the form included within it so that we can understand your child's musical interests:

Request for 1:1 Music Tuition with a Visiting Music Teacher

We can put you in touch with a specialist visiting music teacher for one to one instrumental / singing lessons at school to support your child's musicality.

One to one music tuition fees are set and invoiced by the visiting music teachers who are self employed and pay a fee to St George's Weybridge for the hire of a teaching room.

To request tuition please complete and submit the form below.

Choice of one to one lesson:

Instrument / Singing *
Please indicate approximate standard *
If you have a preference of Specialist Visiting Music Teacher, please select

Otherwise you will be placed with the most suitable teacher.

All parties are expected to make every effort to keep each other informed about any absence.

Student Name *
Year Group *

Parent Contact Details:

I understand parent and teacher contact details will be exchanged upon an offer of tuition being made *
Parental Salutation *
Mobile: *
Email: *

The College have a small stock of string, woodwind and brass instruments which may be borrowed upon request for up to a year.  If an instrument is not available we can advise on purchase or hire outside of the school.  Pupil owned instruments brought in to school must be labeled with a pupil's name and form clearly and stored correctly.  Parents must ensure that adequate provision has been made for the insurance of their child's musical instrument as they are not covered by the school.  All sheet music should also be named.  School double basses, tuba and harp are available for use in the Music Department during the week.

Lessons are timetabled on a carousel system complied by the visiting music teacher; every effort will be made to ensure a pupil does not repeatedly miss the same academic subject.

Lesson timetables can be viewed on Firefly and are displayed on the music department notice boards.

GDPR and Safeguarding:  Please note that parent and teacher details will be exchanged upon an offer of tuition being made.  In keeping with St George's Weybridge safeguarding and child protection procedures SGW will not release pupil or teacher contact details to either party.  Any direct communications between pupils and teachers are solely at the discretion of, and with the written permission of parents.  St George's Weybridge Privacy Notice is available at http//

Please refer to the ICO and safeguarding policy for use and storing of personal information.

Further music information may be found on the music website.

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