Multilingual, Bilingual and EAL Students 

Please complete this questionnaire to help us correctly identify our multilingual, bilingual and English as an Additional Language (EAL) students.

Student Name *
Does the student have any siblings at the College?
Where the student has siblings at the College, please provide their name and year group. *
Student's First Language

(This is the language that comes most naturally to them. It's the language they first learnt and continues to use at home) *
Student's Second Language

(This does not include a language someone in your home is studying) *
Which description best fits the student's knowledge of their second language? *
Student's Third Language
Which description best fits the student's knowledge of their third language?
Student's Fourth Language
Which description best fits the student's knowledge of their fourth language?

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: