Sports Kit

St George's College sports kit is available from The Georgian Shop. Pupils are expected to attend PE, Games and training sessions in appropriate school kit.

When moving around the School, pupils are expected to be in full College tracksuit, with a similar expectation for travel/arrival at School fixtures. The only exception to this is Rugby, where we expect the boys to travel/arrive to fixtures in full College uniform.

We do ask for all kit to be named to prevent the loss of any items of school kit.

Kit List 

(Any items marked with an * are optional)

All students

Maroon mid layer

Maroon tracksuit bottoms

Skort/Field shorts

White PE shirt


Plain white sports socks

Base layer *

SGC black sports leggings*

Maroon waterproof jacket*

Black puffer jacket*


Maroon/white games shirt


Reversible games shirt

Rugby shorts

Hooped socks

Football boots (with studs for soft and hard ground)



Reversible games shirt

Hooped socks

Astro trainers

Shin pads




Cricket shirt

Cricket trousers

Briefs and abdo guard

Maroon cap

White cricket shoes*